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The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

SemEval-2023: Best Task, Best Paper!!

SemEval-2023 features two overall awards, one for organizers of a task and one for a team participating in a task.

We are very pleased to announce the winners of these awards for SemEval-2023!

Best Task Paper Award

The Best Task Paper award, for organizers of an individual shared task, recognizes a task that stands out for making an important intellectual contribution to empirical computational semantics, as demonstrated by a creative, interesting, and scientifically rigorous dataset and evaluation design, and a well-written task overview paper.

Best Task Paper: SemEval-2023 Task 10: Explainable Detection of Online Sexism
Hannah Kirk, Wenjie Yin, Bertie Vidgen, Paul Röttger

Honorable Mention: SemEval-2023 Task 5: Clickbait Spoiling
Maik Fröbe, Benno Stein, Tim Gollub, Matthias Hagen, Martin Potthast

Honorable Mention: SemEval-2023 Task 7: Multi-Evidence Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trial Data
Maël Jullien, Marco Valentino, Hannah Frost, Paul O’regan, Donal Landers, André Freitas

Best System Paper Award

The Best System Paper award, for task participants, recognizes a system description paper that advances our understanding of a problem and available solutions with respect to a task. It need not be the highest-scoring system in the task, but it must have a strong analysis component in the evaluation, as well as a clear and reproducible description of the problem, algorithms, and methodology.

Best System Paper: DAMO-NLP at SemEval-2023 Task 2: A Unified Retrieval-augmented System for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
Zeqi Tan, Shen Huang, Zixia Jia, Jiong Cai, Yinghui Li, Weiming Lu, Yueting Zhuang, Kewei Tu, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Yong Jiang

Honorable Mention: DH-FBK at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Multi-Task Learning with Classifier Ensemble Agreement for Sexism Detection
Elisa Leonardelli, Camilla Casula

Nominated for Best System Paper: NLNDE at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Adaptive Pretraining and Source Language Selection for Low-Resource Multilingual Sentiment Analysis
Mingyang Wang, Heike Adel, Lukas Lange, Jannik Strötgen, Hinrich Schütze

Nominated for Best System Paper: Adam-Smith at SemEval-2023 Task 4: Discovering Human Values in Arguments with Ensembles of Transformer-based Models
Daniel Schroter, Daryna Dementieva, Georg Groh

Nominated for Best System Paper: University at Buffalo at SemEval-2023 Task 11: MASDA-Modelling Annotator Sensibilities through DisAggregation
Michael Sullivan, Mohammed Yasin, Cassandra L. Jacobs

Nominated for Best System Paper: Saama AI Research at SemEval-2023 Task 7: Exploring the Capabilities of Flan-T5 for Multi-evidence Natural Language Inference in Clinical Trial Data
Kamal Raj Kanakarajan, Malaikannan Sankarasubbu

Nominated for Best System Paper: TohokuNLP at SemEval-2023 Task 5: Clickbait Spoiling via Simple Seq2Seq Generation and Ensembling
Hiroto Kurita, Ikumi Ito, Hiroaki Funayama, Shota Sasaki, Shoji Moriya, Ye Mengyu, Kazuma Kokuta, Ryujin Hatakeyama, Shusaku Sone, Kentaro Inui

Nominated for Best System Paper: SheffieldVeraAI at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Mono and Multilingual Approaches for News Genre, Topic and Persuasion Technique Classification
Ben Wu, Olesya Razuvayevskaya, Freddy Heppell, João A. Leite, Carolina Scarton, Kalina Bontcheva, Xingyi Song